Sussex Military Research Projects

Anti-tank wall survey

Project ID: SMR1012

Location: Cuckmere Haven, East Sussex

Project date: 2015



Project Overview: Cuckmere Haven

Working with the authorities, excavations were conducted at a number of sites in the valley, including pillboxes and anti-tank obstacles.

Description: As part of the Environment Agency's strategy of coastal management, shingle dredged from the mouth of the Cuckmere River was to be placed on the beach to prevent it from being washed back again. This entailed covering up part of the anti-tank defences built in 1940 in order to shore up the beach from behind, thereby protecting the feature from coastal erosion.

The entire 100m anti-tank blocks and wall were surveyed and recorded before bags of sand were carefully placed between the dragon's teeth prior to shingle being placed on top. On our recommendation, the blocks were covered with Terram geotextile fabric to provide a protective layer between the concrete and the material placed on top.

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